A Mountainous Adventure

Splashes of Colour

Splashes of Colour

A bicycle ride in Munnar is no walk in the park, the extreme altitude and the sheer climbs required makes it a laborious journey, attempting this ride on a bike without gears was a foolhardy decision. Thankfully I am blessed with a fools miraculous luck and with unyielding determination I completed the steep climb, the locals were amazed by the bike I was riding, it was in no way a good bike but by far the best they had seen. I stopped off at "photo point" to relax and let the shop owners and the general plebs have a turn of this 'marvellous' bicycle. Once I consumed my fill of freshly sliced pineapple and chugged enough water for a camel I resumed my ride.

Weary Delight

Weary Delight

The next quirk I stumbled upon on this ride were the groups of young men selling what I thought at first was home-brewed whisky. To my delight and surprise it turned out to be bottles of honey in whisky bottles, I queried as to where they were harvested from, a smile on their face they pointed to the trees behind them. The trees were overloaded with hives, hanging down and oozing delicious honey. They had been harvesting them for years apparently, I must say it was some of the best tasting honey I’ve had the pleasure of sampling.

Only 300 rupees!

Only 300 rupees!

The rest of the ride was full of the usual oddities of India, elephants, monkeys, cows doing whatever they please and gob smacked locals. I felt accomplished and satisfied; Munnar had satisfied and stimulated all my senses.

Combs of Goodness

Combs of Goodness

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